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A few notes to help with motivation, well-being, goals, time discipline, apathy and challenges.

  To increase well-being, consider PERMA : Positive Emotion  Engagement - Flow - In the zone. (weeding) Relationships  Meaning  Achievement - Goal (work) SMART Goals should be -  Specific – target a specific area for improvement.  Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.  Assignable – specify who will do it.  Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.  Time-related – Plan for when results can be achieved Consider the "Protective Factors Algorithm" (PFA) for meeting goals (Discipline, Anger, Faith), accountability, scheduling etc.  2 hours: me time 8 hours: work 5 hours: unplugged, social, family 7 hours:sleep 2 hours: flex "... But I don't want to..." - Consider the below when faced with that dilemma:  "Creative Narcissism" - Connect the activity to a value/strength.Fake it till you make it Stoics & Ryan Holiday Preemptively set yourself up to “TRIP OVER” the goal, i.e., put y

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