Purpose, Stress, Mental Health, #BeAsBuilt

“Why Do You Walk the Planet?”–“What is God’s will for You?”–“What Are You On Earth To Do?”

Tim Keller, NYC Pastor, Theologian and Apologist, as Quoted by Max Mclean, Director, Fellowship for Performing Arts puts it in the framework of Affinity, Ability & Opportunity. 

w   Affinity         
§  “What Am I passionate about?”
§  What is my built-in, natural liking?
§  What do I naturally desire?
§  What innately within myself do I have a disposition for?
w  Ability
§  “What am I good at?”
§  What am I naturally talented at?
§  What skills do I naturally possess?
w  Opportunity
§  “What doors are open?”
§  Where is there a need?
§  What path has God cleared?

In these interesting times, consider journaling about the above questions.  As these questions are answered an increased sense of purpose comes about.  With an increased sense of purpose comes improved mental heath to include less stress.  



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